“Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” is a favorite because it comes from the hymn writer - Robert Robinson’s heart. It’s a bit autobiographical. As a young boy, Robert lost his father and became a very troubled teenager eventually becoming a member of a street gang. But as a young man, Robert heard George Whitfield preach and the Lord spoke to him; Robert trusted Christ and eventually became a minister. His life drastically changed for the good. The line in the hymn, “prone to wander, Lord, I feel it prone to leave the God I love” is an allusion back this his youth. Yet, this timeless hymn becomes part of our life when we grasp the forgiveness, grace and meaning Christ offers. As we come to understand God love and mercy, we realize that He is the Giver of all blessings and praise must follow. Together we join all creation singing endless praise proclaiming: “Here’s my heart Lord, take and seal it, seal it for Thy courts above.”
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