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Next Gen Hymns

What is the one of best ways to empower our next generation to have a strong spiritual foundation? Teach hymns because...

- They are the soundtrack of our lives

- They contain some of the most concise theological thoughts available

- A significant amount of Christian doctrine is learned from hymn texts

- They are testimonies God’s grace in others providing strength and encouragement for today

- They increase our vocabulary of praise and thanks

- They link us together

The author of Hymns That Have Helped (1897) states, “Some hymns are liked jeweled chalices from which generation after generation has drunk of the water of life.” It is critical for us to instill these texts in the next generation! The Bible tells us in Eph 5:19, “When you meet together, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, as you praise the Lord with all your heart.” CEV.

TykesHub is proud to provide hymns for the next generation to help your family “drink from the water of life” together. NextGen Hymns, Preschool Hymns, and God’s Songs: The Family Hymn Project – Family Devotions are available at

CLICK HERE to listen to a podcast recorded last year to learn more about the importance of teaching hymns to the next generation.


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