After I completed 2 years of treatment for breast cancer, I examined my life and determined things I would like to change in light of a new found reality of heaven being closer than I had anticipated. Honestly, there wasn’t much I wanted to change - I still wanted to live in light of eternity and seek God each day and intentionally share His love as often as possible given opportunity the but one thing I thought I would like to do is to visit to all 50 states.
I had traveled to about 30 countries at the time of my cancer diagnosis as I had lived in the Midwest, northwest and south as a young person. But my husband and I worked toward the goal of visiting all the beautiful states in our country. Growing up in Kansas I loved wide open spaces of the heartland; but also living in the East I appreciated fall and God’s explosion of colorful, vibrant leaves. Systematically we set forth to hit all 50 states. I would travel with my husband when we had business in a state that I had not visited. One of our last business trips was to North Dakota and we rented a car and drove to South Dakota for the day so we could check off two states in one trip.
Truly America is full of God’s handiwork. He created beautiful landscapes and breathtaking shorelines. From the deserts to the Great Lakes, to the Grand Canyon, we see God’s handiwork in this most beautiful land in the world! I’m happy to say God has allowed me to visit all 50 states to enjoy the different cultures, vibes, architecture, and nature. The US has stunning icons that we all should cherish.
CLICK HERE for a free PDF version of the worksheet above to help children know more about American and encourage prayer for God to bless our great country.