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Wiggle and Giggle and Learn About God

Do you have moms and toddlers in your neighborhood or church that are you looking for meaningful and fun activities to do together while learning about God? We have tons of toddlers and infants gathering each week to grow deep in Jesus and develop large in life using

Teeny Tykes & Tunes – a tool helping kids to wiggle, giggle and learn about God. It’s a faith-based music curriculum for infants and toddlers that will help make music and spiritual activity a part of your child's daily life.

The Teeny Tykes & Tunes curriculum is research-based, educationally sound, and proven to help children grow and develop. Imagine having the chance to interact with babies, toddlers and preschoolers as they learn social skills, music fundamentals, language development, reading readiness, math readiness, small and large motor skill development as well as grow in knowledge of God all while having a blast!

All six semesters have 26 lessons with over 80 songs, 26 Bible Stories, scriptures and prayers, power packed singing, and fun! Use Teeny Tykes & Tunes in preschool Sunday School, home school, daycares, church starts, mission trips and your home! Teeny Tykes & Tunes is for you!

CLICK HERE to visit the store at to get your copy today.

Listen to the Toddler and Infant Music Samplers Below:


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