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Healthy Holy Habits - Part 2


Last week we considered three Healthy Holy Habits: Study the Bible, Pray First, and Memorize Scripture & Faith Songs. This week we add four practices that should be done regularly to create patterns for a deep Godly life.

Holy Habit 4: Serve Others

Serving others can take on many forms: praying, offering food, spending time, helping, making music and more. God wants you to be willing to give your talents, gifts and resources freely because you never know when, where, or how God will use you. Be ready to serve!

Holy Habit 5: Give Thanks!

The ABC’s of gratitude are:

A lways have thankfulness on your lips

B egin instant gratitude now

C ontinually thank God

Holy Habit 6: Obey

Obedience is a sign of love, respect, and kindness. When you obey God’s teaching, you are thoughtful to others, you are helpful in school and with your family. Also, you obey quickly, completely and happily. Finally, you obey God’s Word, your parents and your teachers because God has put them in charge of you to teach and protect you.

Holy Habit 7: Tell Others about Jesus!

Did you know you can be rescued from your sins by asking God to forgive you of your sins and trust in Jesus? If you believe that Jesus died for your sins, tell others about Jesus and His love.

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